Jesus Our Victory - Jesus Our Victory


I see an army stand against me

I stand alone, but not alone

The Lord of hosts will go before me

The fight is His, and not my own


Praise like we’ve already won

Praise Him, He has overcome


The name of the Lord be glorified

The name of the Lord be lifted high

The name of the Lord be magnified


We sing a song of future glory

Prophetic praise is on our lips

We know the author of this story

His Word declares that we will win


Praise like we’ve already won

Praise Him, He has overcome

Praise like we’ve already won

Praise Him, He has overcome


I saw the Lord, He was high and lifted up

And His train filled the temple, because He’s never lost a battle

So why would I fear? Why would I be afraid?

When I know my help, my help is on the way

Even when it doesn't look like it

Even when it doesn’t seem we’ll win

My praise will be my weapon

My praise will be my weapon

My shout will be my weapon

My dance will be my weapon

Chord Chart

Coming soon
